What is AirDeck™ Original? How does it differ from the other AirDeck™ variants and products? Here is your guide to the AirDeck™ Original. Giving you information on where to use the product and the benefits of AirDeck™ Original. AirDeck™ Original as the name suggests was the first AirDeck™ product introduced to the market over 10 years ago - AirDeck™ Original was designed as an innovative solution for the construction industry. At the time the construction industry was using safety nets or heavy polystyrene filled bags for fall arrest. Safety nets had limitations in traditional brick block construction and the polystyrene filled bags were extremely heavy and inconvenient to move around site. Enter AirDeck™ Original - An inflatable system that clips together to provide end to end coverage within a room or enclosed space. Unlike other solutions this was easy to move and store making it popular in housing construction.

Where to use AirDeck™ Original: AirDeck Original requires a structure or wall to keep the product in place and functional. Original is designed to provide cover in an enclosed area, filling the space from end to end. It suits the housing construction industry where you could fill a room our house structure, with surrounding walls holding the product in place - It can allow multiple people to work around an area as it provides greater coverage.
Why customers like about the AirDeck™ Original: The lower price point gives customers a safe yet cost effective solution for house building - AirDeck™ Original is better value than crash decking systems and quicker and less complex to install than safety nets. The system is reusable, easy to clean and easy to move from site to site with up to 50 units per pallet covering an area (when inflated) of 80m2.

Where not to use AirDeck™ Original:
AirDeck™ Original is not a free-standing system and must only be used in constraint - it requires a strong boundary structure to hold it in place which limits its uses.
AirDeck™ Original is not available for export / international customers.
For a free-standing system you can use the AirDeck™ Safety Lock or AirDeck™ Safety Cover which are designed to be used without external support.